Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Brief Weekend Recap:

1. Fenton's Mint Cookies and Cream ice cream with hot fudge is enough to make up for missing Edie Carey at The Epic Arts Center on a Friday night.

2. It can take a person over 2 hours to drive to Sacramento and less then one hour to return and it's all worth it when you go to see Nacho Libre with boys who nearly pee their pants laughing at Jack Black!

3. Stern Grove Festival in San Francisco is fabulous. It's even better when random guys named Nico give you wine, bread and cheese, chips, chocolate, and vegan maple cookies, then ask for you phone number.

4. When a waitress at FLY in San Francisco says, "For $10 you can drink all you want out of that Full Sail keg," you don't just say "yes," you say, "bring it on!!!" and then you drink a lot on a Sunday afternoon. You also tend to send really long text messages to people you know and call random friends in town from Indiana to come hang out. Then, your random friend from Indiana pretends to be your parole officer while calling guys you don't want your friends to date. Upon leaving FLY, the waitress gives you props for lasting so long in the bar and brings you water. It's amazing.

5. Getting up at 5 am to go serve coffee to rich people isn't very fun when you've had a night of "all you can drink for $10 out of that Full Sail keg" at FLY.

6. Sometimes, I get a bit sad about leaving the Bay Area....especially after weekends like this. Please, please, please let me find fun friends like this in Idaho.

1 can of Scrubbing Bubbles: $3.50
1 bottle of Pine Sol: $1.30
2 pairs of Rubber gloves: $1.10
Toilet cleaner: $3.25
Steel wool and scrub brushes: $4.00

Taking 3 hours to semi-clean someone else's bathroom on your day off in order to have a FREE place to stay for the summer: Priceless. (And by "Priceless," I mean Disgusting.)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

6 days left of school...

....and this is what I experienced.

Student F walked up to a female Student E and touched her on the ass.

The following conversation ensued:

"Excuse me, did you just touch her?"


"Please don't touch other students. Ever. Don't ever touch any student, especially female students. Ever, ever, ever."

(as student F walks away) "I bet you're just jealous cuz no one's touchin' on you."


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I picked up my roommate at her office today, in order to throw boxes into the back of my vehicle. While Carrie was upstairs grabbing the last of her belongings and I was stuffing the last of the boxes into my car, I heard, "Excuse me." I turned to see which doofus wanted directions around Oakland (that I wouldn't be able to help with anyway) and the guy continued..."Excuse me...You just...you just look beautiful."

Huh? Did he just say that?


"Really, you do. You look beautiful. I was just wondering....if I gave you my number, would you call me? I'm really a nice guy. I am."


"Wow, thank you so much," I said,"But...I don't think so. I'm sorry."

"Would you be so kind as to give me your number?"

"Umm, no I don't think so. Again, thanks, but no."

I turned away and got into my car. Only problem? Carrie hadn't come back from getting her belongings from her office. I sat alone in my car. It was hot. My car was off. My window, rolled down. (yeah, really smart on my part.)

The doofus, whom I thought had driven away, shouted from his car window, "Are you sure if I gave you my number...well, would you atleast think about calling me?"

"Umm...well....I'll think about it."

I took the number.

It turns out, I've already dated a "Mike" and he was pretty damn weird. I don't need another one, no matter how beautiful he thinks I am.

Sure doesn't hurt a girl's ego though...
Woot! I can start to "ease in" to wearing other shoes!

On another note, my friend Darren now has a fabulous blog. It's time you check it out. Plus, by reading his blog, you can read up on what I did this weekend, since I'm too lazy to write about it myself!