Thursday, April 13, 2006

Things have not been quite as disastrous as I thought they might be today. I must admit, I laid in bed for atleast an hour deciding whether or not it was worth it to get my ass downstairs to make coffee, knowing full well that I'd have to go back upstairs sooner or later. Finally admitting that I am an addict and that I must have my coffee, I made my way downstairs with my woven handbag slung around my neck, packed to the brim with water bottles, books, computer, Vicodin--you know, the important stuff. I've managed to get up and down the stairs multiple times since then and even found myself outside to check on the status of the mail and grab something from my car, which has been sitting, oh so patiently, on the street since Sunday. Let's not forget the fact that I even managed to take a few steps without crutches AND I didn't fall! (Shh, don't tell...)

On a different note, I purchased a ticket to go to the Vale of Paradise for a wedding in May. So, if you live in Chicagoland/Northwest Indiana, be prepared for me to ask to crash on your couch May 11-15. Jamie and I already have plans to wreak havoc on Valparaiso, even some of the other boozers won't be around.

Oh happy day.


Unknown said...

Who is getting married in the lovely Vale of Paradise in May???

I just ordered an Ultimate Disc so the youth group kids and I can play during the summer - wish you were here!

M!r&a said...

My godson, Ryan, to my friend Bethany!

Unknown said...

Yay! I hope its a good time! I love weddings! ;)