Thursday, September 21, 2006

I just got a job and it's not at Guitar Center or a coffee shop or a cell phone store or any other place that requires me to wear a uniform or a bowtie or an apron. It's been a weird interview process (it's taken nearly 3 weeks for them to call me back after an amazing interview), but after all of the waiting, the Boise School District called me to offer me a position as a Behavioral Interventionist with 4th, 5th, and 6th grade at-risk and emotionally disturbed (I hate that word) students at an elementary school just down the street from my parents' house! Whew, I might actually be able to move out of my parents' house sometime soon!


Claire said...

Whoohoo! Yay for the new job! I'm glad they decided to hire you, as I was starting to get pretty mad at them for not calling you back.

alison said...

that sounds awesome! what exactly would you be doing?

M!r&a said...

I should learn to proof read. My original post said that "I hate that work" and I really meant to say, "I hate that word" in regards to the word "disturbed." I'll be working with kids who have behavioral issues in class, helping them to get focused, etc. Pretty sweet!