Saturday, January 20, 2007

Dreaming about Blogging

I just woke up from what could be considered the best nap I've had in a very long time--I'm talking about the drooling nap that feels soooooo good! I fell asleep on my couch watching Notting Hill (one of my favorite chick flicks of all time) at some ridiculous time like 8 pm. (If you'd seen the amount of wine consumption last night, you would understand). The best part about the nap was the dream I had...

I dreamt that my friend Matt, back in Indiana, challenged me to a blogging duel. Weird, right? It was simple: each person was to write a blog and the person who had the greatest number of hits that day won. When I got a text message at 10pm (oh, how I smile) and woke up, I was ahead in the challenge by my three word blog:

Big Ass Titties.

And I hadn't even had any NyQuil...

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