Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Alana (my sister) seems to be taking after me, meaning that she's becoming just as cynical as I am...and I'm not really whether I should be proud or maybe a bit ashamed that she's taking after me in such a manner.

Alana had been hanging out with this guy named Tyler, who seemed to be pretty cool. Then, Tyler went on vacation and this conversation ensued after his return...

Tyler: I'm not sure this is going to work.
Alana: Oh. Well, whatever. I thought it was cool that we were hanging out.
Tyler: Yeah, well it's obvious that I'm attracted to you, but I'm just not sure that I see anything for the future between us.
Alana: It's probably better this way.
Tyler: What do you mean?
Alana: Well, I would have broken your heart anyway.
(insert Tyler hemming and hawing, with uncomfortable laughter)
No really, I really would have broken your heart.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I say be proud of little sis. Being a little tough on guys just weeds out the ones who probably weren't worth the time anyway. I'm sure you and I could come up with a case in point or two of that. . . .