Sunday, September 24, 2006

Introducing protege....10 years old and the girl has already learned more on guitar in 2 months than I learned in a year....the girl has ambition folks and she's MY student! Yeah!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I just got a job and it's not at Guitar Center or a coffee shop or a cell phone store or any other place that requires me to wear a uniform or a bowtie or an apron. It's been a weird interview process (it's taken nearly 3 weeks for them to call me back after an amazing interview), but after all of the waiting, the Boise School District called me to offer me a position as a Behavioral Interventionist with 4th, 5th, and 6th grade at-risk and emotionally disturbed (I hate that word) students at an elementary school just down the street from my parents' house! Whew, I might actually be able to move out of my parents' house sometime soon!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Perceptions are everything.

What I think I look like as a substitute teacher and below that, what the students think I look like like as a substitute teacher:

Sunday, September 17, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth...Highly recommended...go see it! Makes me very excited for the mere possibility of seeing Al Gore speak at Boise State in January!

Also highly recommended this week: 1/2 to St. Patty's Day party at Ha'Penny (lots of dancing fools), watching several episodes of Grey's Anatomy instead of studying, falling asleep on your couch while watching Garden State, taking self-portaits on your MacBook, house sitting for 2 weeks, and making friends with co-workers, and wearing lipstick darker than you normally would, just to see what it's like.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I gave in yesterday. Before my class, I went to the Cingular store to get my phone number changed to an Idaho number. It's not like I was changing my driver's license or plates or anything substantial--just a new phone number, right? Yeah, well that's what I thought too....but good ol' Ian and Nina (names may have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent) deleted over half of the numbers I had in my phone. Jerks! So, if I had your phone number before now, chances are that I don't have it anymore. Not only that, but you can't contact me via my 5-1-0 number because it's officially been changed to a 2-0-8. Grrrrr. I suppose if you want my number, you can leave me a comment with an e-mail address and I'll send it to you that way (then promptly delete your comment so you don't get a load of spam), but for now, just know that I'm not ignoring you--it's just that I don't have your contact information anymore...

Monday, September 11, 2006

I managed to get out to a concert downtown last night and must say,
Toby Lightman
was quite incredible. Kind of a mix between KT Tunstall and Norah Jones. I might as well add that this woman is a phenomenal guitar player....and she plays a Taylor. 'Nuff said.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

House sitting RAWKS, especially when you don't have animals to take care of and the person just wants someone to stay in their house for a few weeks to look "lived in" and when you've had a bad week at school and the last place you want to be is in your cramped room in a house that is no longer yours and when the note on the table says, "please eat and drink all you want in the house, including my wine and beer, and feel free to use my gym pass and library card, and be sure to park your car in the garage, if you want to. Oh, and here's some money for groceries." These next 2 weeks might not be as bad as I thought they might be.

P.S. Anyone want to go see "An Inconvenient Truth" with me tonight? Oh wait, I don't know anyone in Boise who reads this...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Graduate school is a popularity contest. Don't try to convince me otherwise, because I've already got it figured out. You go to school, you sit in a room with 10 other people who think they are really cool, you bring up your research ideas for you term paper and they offer no help to you, but offer shit-loads to their buddies. I'm frustrated. I'll get over it.