I am taking these pictures as a means of reminding myself why I do should not, and will not return to your place of employment. I realize that when most people say, "give me bangs," they have not researched photos for days on end to find out exactly what they want. I realize they probably have not uploaded a stupid picture of themselves on-line and "tried on" different hairstyles with bangs. But I did, and Josh can attest to it. I am a dork, and I fully admit it. So when I say, "I want bangs to 'here' and I want them to sweep to the side, you should not do this:

and then tell me that you don't want to cut it shorter because it will "bug the hell out of [me]." I'm pretty sure hair that covers my eyes will bug me more than hair that sits above my eyes. And what's with the uneven "bangs" bit? I don't understand. At least, for the time being, I can do something with it to hide the unevenness that you managed to create... but I think you owe me $14.00 plus whatever I end up paying to have it remedied at 4:00 pm today with a real hairdresser.
tell the next hairdresser "less mom, more hot!"
seriously, what was she thinking? if you want to be annhoyed by hair in your eyes, she should give it to you. Thats what you are paying for.
Seriously; less mom.
wait, i got distracted by the part of your story where you mention that you have a haircut place that only charges $14.00 ... for that price, i don't think you get to complain, even if they shave your whole head ...
I know, I know. The part of the story that I omitted was the fact that "it was really just bangs and how can someone mess that up?"
(PS - I've been meaning to ask this, but how do I get to the point where I get to read your blog again, jb?)
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