Thursday, November 02, 2006

I am a self-admitted procrastinator. In fact, I have dubbed myself the "Queen of Procrastination." As my friend Greg says, "Planning pays off in the long run, procrastination pays off NOW!"

Although I tend to wait until the day before a project is due to complete it, I've come to realize that signing up for things early in the semester is worth it. Getting the article critiques, class discussions about research methods, and presentation about Juvenile Diversion (teen/peer courts, restitution, mediation, etc) all out of the way in the first half of the semester definately made me a raging bitch, but I am happy to report that while I stressed about all that crap earlier, everyone else was foot loose and fancy free.....and now THEY are the ones freaking out.

Ahhhhhhhhhh (that's a sigh of relief), now all I have to do is kick back with a glass of wine and throw my research into 2 papers...

point: Hansen.

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