Friday, October 26, 2007

Everyone knows...

...that I am a little clumsy. Ok, a lot clumsy. I've become a little better lately--I don't fall as much and...well...that's pretty much it. Today takes the cake.

I had planned a low-points lunch because I'm going to happy hour with my friend Shauna after work and I wanted to be able to drink a few beers but still have a decent dinner. So I got myself some 0 points soup, peas, and yogurt for a grand total of a 2 point, yet filling lunch.

And I spilled that effing soup all over my desk. $!%**#&!. An hour later and I was still cleaning up soup...from my computer monitor, my palm pilot, my keyboard. What a freaking mess.

On top of that, my boss has been sick all week and when she came in yesterday, she was still really grossly sick. Of course, when I got to the divisional meeting yesterday afternoon, the only seat open was next to her and she coughed without covering her mouth about a million times and it was super disgusting. I've been taking some Airborne to stave off any sickness she might have spread my direction because one thing is for certain: I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT GET SICK....I HAVE TOO MUCH SHIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT TO DO!!!

Back to work...

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