Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I should be...

...doing many things other than blogging. Whatever.

I found out last night that my parents and sister are going to CA for Christmas to see my brother and his family. I can't go because I don't have any vacation time that I can use yet. Brooke will be gone too, so it looks like it's just Josh and me for the holidays. I think we'll go skiing at Tamarack :)

Two classes left to go for the semester! One will be hell, the other...not so much. Still SO much preparation for the weekend. Ugh! And the shitty thing is that I'll have to sit through "stupid girl's" presentation before I can give mine, even though I requested the first slot. I'd much rather go first and get it over with so I can concentrate on everyone else's presentations. Oh well, can't win 'em all. And you may think I'm being rude by calling her "stupid girl" but it's much nicer than calling her an outright "bitch." (oops, I think I just did.) Hopefully she won't be in my classes next could only be so lucky.

On another note, I realized last weekend that I paid my last month's rent back in January and I don't have to pay rent this month! Hooray!!!

BTW, still looking to sell my couches...$350 for both....or $225 for the couch and $175 for the love seat if bought separately (man, what a bargain to buy them together!).

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