Thursday, August 21, 2008


My mouth is on fire. I went to my favorite Thai place to grab lunch on my way home today. I ordered Pad Prig King (chicken) and ordered it a 2/5 on the spicy level. 2/5 is good enough for me over there - I like to taste my food and not just the spiciness. Anyway, I'm kind of a cheapskate when it comes to tipping if I'm not eating there. I didn't wait around and get soup like they offer to people who order take-out. If fact, I walked over to the bank to get some cash while it was made. So, I didn't tip. I'm pretty sure those $*&@ers made it more spicy than a 2/5. My mouth is on fire and I hardly even tasted the food because it was so hot. But I was SO hungry that I couldn't NOT eat it. Ouch.

Oh well, we are taking Brooke to the Fair today. It's not my favorite place, but it will do. Plus, it's not like 100 degrees outside, which is nice. It's more like 82 and that is much more pleasurable that being a sticky, sweaty mess. I'm going to go get myself to looking cute and head out the door. Oh, and I'll probably have another beer, in hopes that it will calm my mouth a little bit.

FYI - it's Thursday and at 2pm I had already worked 40 hours. So I got the rest of the day off. I have to show up for Court tomorrow at 8:30 and then I get to leave to go rafting with teh fun folks from Josh's office. And we don't have to buy the beer! Yippee!

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