Saturday, February 11, 2006

2 Thoughts on wine, even though I'm not currently drinking any.

1) I was given 4 gigantic wine glasses + a caraffe for singing in a friend's wedding. My roommate has wine glasses from her place of employment. Every time she drinks wine from her glasses she toasts, "Here's to the public's health!" and we laugh for about 5 minutes. Everytime I drink from my glasses, I like to compare my glass to that of my roommate's and talk about how much of a bigger wino I am compared to her. Really, she's just much smaller than I am and I can tolerate a hell of a lot more wine.

2) I love wine. I really do. But the fact of the matter is that I don't really care if it's good wine or bad wine. If it's good wine, I hope that someone else purchased it, because I can't really afford to buy good wine. And if it's bad wine, I hope that I had enough cash to get some Sprite too. That way, I can have a cheap woman's Sangria. You should try it sometime, it's quite lovely.


alison said...

i love you i love you i love you!

and finally, you have a blog. now i can enjoy you anytime i want!

alison said...

ps you look really hot in your profile pic!

Anonymous said...

ummmm i love wine too, and i love that i just found your blog. oh- and i love you. and i MISS YOU!