Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Graduate school is a popularity contest. Don't try to convince me otherwise, because I've already got it figured out. You go to school, you sit in a room with 10 other people who think they are really cool, you bring up your research ideas for you term paper and they offer no help to you, but offer shit-loads to their buddies. I'm frustrated. I'll get over it.


jb said...

hang in there, girl ... in my experience, at least, it does get better. and really, grad school is actually just about perserverence ... as much as people want to believe it's about "who's smartest," it's actually more about who's dedicated to their craft and the art of learning.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miranda,

I had the same experience in my graduate studies in both programs with which I was involved. Dropped out of the first one, but stuck around to finish the second. I hope you'll be able to persevere as well. Like the previous post said -- graduate school is mostly about who's dedicated to the art of learning. I know you are. Best of luck to you!

Andrew T. (from Valpo)

alison said...

sorry, hon. it can suck sometimes. you forgot to mention that it is also about who can raise their hand the most and sound the most intelligent all the time...
it will get better, i think.

and don't forget you can always ask for help. that was hard for me in my program, cause everyone had already been together for a year, and i was an "outsider" and they all tried to ignore me. but it really helps if you put yourself out there. in my school, at least, people ended up being pretty nice, although i never did achieve my goal of getting a new BFF.