Monday, January 15, 2007

Did you know...

...that the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" pretty much sucks ass? And that it costs $20 drive for 10 minutes at the Go-Cart place in Boise? And that El Gallo Giro in Boise is just a great as the one in Kuna? And that "Office Space" is just as funny the 5th time you see it was the first? I found all of this out today. Thanks JM.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you had a busy day! I don't know anything about mexican digs in Boise, but I did know that Office Space is pretty frickin funny - did you know....that someone actually told me over Christmas that my clothing style lacks flare - I took that to mean I don't wear enough pins and buttons, which in my opinion is not a negative thing!