Monday, January 08, 2007


Over the weekend, I've been house sitting for some friends of mine, Kristin and Jesse, in Kuna, Idaho. Kuna is a podunk little town with little to its name, so I though I wasn't thrilled to be watching some dogs and a cat in the middle of nowhere, I was happy to help out Kristin and Jesse while their twins are born (hooray for Halle and Bella being born!). I got here on Friday night and have done nothing but catch up on some much needed R & R. I've managed to watch what seems like a million movies (Kristin and Jesse have an amazing collection) that I would probably never rent (I'm talking the girliest of girly movies) and eat a chile relleno that could possibly go down in the records for being the best chile relleno I've ever had--thank you El Gallo Giro! And though I have dog hair on every inch of clothing that I brought over here, I've had the pleasure of sharing this lovely house with Bailey, Cisco, and Hannah--the comfort of having the animals around was enough to make up for the hair. I'm ready to get back to my own apartment and finish getting my art on the wall, books put away, and my cooking/exercise regimine underway, but there's a small part of me that will miss this house and the pets!

(The best news of this stay is that I just found out that one can find El Gallo Giro in Boise as well as Kuna...mmmmmm.....)

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