Friday, November 09, 2007

video games...

...have never been more forte. I'm terrible at them, to tell the truth. Last night was the exception. When I should have been reading, writing, or researching for class, I sat around with Sam and Malia, Josh, Jodi, and Justin playing Guitar Hero. I am now forcing Josh to buy it so I can continue to win at something. FYI, this is a source of frustration for me because Josh is freaking good at everything and I never win, so for once, I am better at something than him and I want to keep it that way. Of course, this means that I will need to hide the video game when I'm not at his house so he can't practice when I'm not there....


Anonymous said...

Did you happen to see South Park last week? hehe...Guitar QUEER-O?

Miranda said...

No, but I think Josh recorded hopefully this weekend!