Saturday, July 26, 2008

i used to be good

Josh is out camping this weekend with his high school buddies and I am home alone for the weekend - by choice. It's been really nice. We've been running around like crazy for the last 2.5 months camping, rafting, and visiting with family, etc. and it's really, really nice just to sit around. Even cleaning things out of the closet is pathetic is that? Anyway, I decided to take out my guitar this afternoon and played for an hour and a half. I sang all of my old songs, which aren't quite as fun as they used to be, mostly because all of my old songs are angry and mean and sad. But I sang them anyway. And after awhile I realized that I have a DVD of a performance that I did at Java Jim's Music Theater in Indiana back in January of 2005. So I popped it in and it kind of made me sad. I mean, I watched it and I realized that I used to be pretty good. I used to sing and play like crazy - like it was my whole life. And it was. And now, my guitar comes out every now and then and when I play it's nowhere near as good as it once was. But it's weird because it doesn't necessarily make me want to go out and play those songs again. It just makes me want to show it to everyone to prove to them that I once did that and I was really good.

So....anyone want to watch it?

1 comment:

alison said...

You know I always love to watch you.