Thursday, September 18, 2008

my 5K

The 5K I've been working toward is on Saturday. I've been pretty worried about it because my knee has been hurting about 1.5 miles into every run. I've been icing, and resting, taking glucosomine, stretching like mad, and doing pilates to build a bit more muscle in my legs. It didn't seem to help because this week when I was in Lewiston, I was completely unable to run without feeling like my leg was going to snap in half. I figured I would just run as much of the 5K as I could, walk the remainder, and vow to run a true 5K at a later point in time. Anyway, I decided to give myself one last shot at running 3 miles tonight, AND I DID IT!!! I can't even begin to tell you how proud I feel right now. Even if I do end up walking 1/2 of it on Saturday, I know that I managed to run 3.1 miles tonight in 35 minutes. Hooray!!!


alison said...

thats awesome miranda! I hope you take a little break to day...don't want to ruin the knee. Finishing the 5K gave me such a feeling of accomplishment. Just to have finished. It was great. I think I ran too fast, so I did run/short walk break/run, etc. But I finished, and I know you can too, cause it seems like you trained harder than me (I rarely ran over two miles)
Good luck on your 5K! Make sure you do some sort of fun celebratory thing when you finish ;) You rock!

alison said...

I'm sure you've already researched this, but today's blog on sparkpeople is all about the day of your race and what to bring/do

shauna said...

Way to go!