Monday, September 01, 2008

Weekend Update

We went to Idaho Falls and Rigby this weekend to visit Josh's friends and parents and because Josh really wanted to take the new FJ out to the Dunes to test out the action. My parents went to Josh's parents' house too, and a big BBQ took place on Saturday afternoon. We had a good time, despite the following:

1) Josh and his dad wanted me to make bloody marys for everyone on Saturday (12:30-ish) before the BBQ. (FYI - I make the best bloody marys EVER...well, maybe not better than Zeitgeist in San Francisco, but close.) I'm pretty sure Josh's mom is never going to let it go that I got her drunk off ONE of them. Josh and his dad had 2 of them and promptly took 2.5 hour naps afterward.

2) Everyone at the BBQ was convinced that they were attending some sort of engagement party. I do not have a ring, we are not engaged, and I'm pretty sure that I we were, they would have found out long before some random BBQ on a Saturday afternoon. Blah.

3) On Sunday night Josh and I were walking out the door to go hang out with his buddies (and mine, I suppose) in Idaho Falls and I fell on the stairs in the garage. I'm not sure if it was my grogginess or the fact that it was dark in the garage and I really didn't see the steps, but I fell and completely twisted my ankle. It hurt like a bitch, and instead of going to IF to see Skinner and Michelle, I was laid up on the couch at Josh's parents house all night icing my foot and taking Aleve. Ugh. I'm so incredible upset about this because in 3 weeks I'm supposed to run my first 5K and now I'm scared to run, for fear that my foot (which feels ok right now) will flare up and I won't be able to do it. Stupid clumsiness.

On a completely different note, I FINALLY finished New Moon today on the drive back! Hooray!

1 comment:

alison said...

yay for new moon!

yay for bloody marys! I had my first good (and I mean AWESOME bloody mary tonight made by Erin. she rocks at a bloody mary concoction!)

boo for people thinking that they were at an engagement party. I should have been there to say "you all are douches! we hates you!" or something similar.

and the foot thing sucks too. I am sure you remember when I twisted my ankle and thought I broke my foot at that one church with the cool pastor and the scary dog? It was so awful, but a day later it was like nothing had happened. ... except I bruised my ego.

ok, who am I kidding, I didn't give a shit.

anyway, hope it gets better. Running a five K is awesome, and horrible, all at the same time.. good luck