Monday, August 27, 2007

back to work...

...but not without some fun first!

1. After surviving a family reunion without a bit of booze to pull any of us through, Josh, Adrianne and I went to see "Superbad" at the theater. I thought I was going to die of gut-wrenching laughter and found myself up heaving in the seat a few times during some scenes...completely worth it.

2. My friend Kristen swapped me every season of Sex and the City and a mix CD of Neko Case and Kasey Chambers in exchange for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which I had borrowed it from her boyfriend). I have yet to pop in a season of SatC, but the mix CD is amazing.

3. I managed to row through bigger rapids than I've ever rowed before, which made me pretty damn proud of myself. This is a bigger deal for this particular trip because Josh wasn't sitting behind me telling me to push with the left or pull with the right--it was all me, baby, watching where he and his dad had gone before me and attempting to do the same..not without some swearing, however, when I thought I was going to hit some rocks. I didn't hit them. I did well. And I was rightfully P-R-O-U-D (and hopefully Josh was too).

and now non-hobby related information...

1. Reporting for my first day on the job this morning, I knew that one other girl was starting with me. What I hadn't prepared for was the fact that it might be someone I knew. Yup, Hafsah and went to high school together, graduated the same year, happened to recognize each other, and actually seem to get along....weird.

2. Class started tonight too and I can already tell that one girl is going to drive me nuts....but that's probably because the one time that I met her this summer, she shoved her hand in my face and told me to get away from her. I sincerely hope that she's not in my Thursday night class (or I might have to kick some ass).


alison said...

why would someone shove their hand in your face???

Miranda said...

People do really dumb things when they think they are right and they really aren't. (we were selling fireworks and she got into an argument with another lady, I told them to take it away from the customers, and she shoved her hand in my face.)