Friday, August 03, 2007

I threw away $20

No really, I did.

I was cleaning up my apartment this afternoon because my friend Shauna is coming over before we go to our 10 yr. high school reunion (we are pre-partying...not only to save money, but because it will more bearable answering questions and seeing people we don't really care to see with a few drinks in us). Anyway, like I said, I was cleaning up a little because I don't want Shauna thinking that I live like a complete slob. I had a $20 bill in my jeans pocket from last night's guitar lesson with Carson and kept forgetting to put it in my wallet. I finally got too hot and took off my jeans and put on my favorite hippie skirt. When I went to get the bill out of the pocket, it wasn't there. This frustrated me to no end because I am on a VERY tight budget until payday and that $20 was going to go a long way. I searched my apartment, went out to my car, and finally came in to search through the garbage.

Sure enough, there it was, folded perfectly beneath some other papers and atop an empty (not rinsed) tuna can in my kitchen garbage can. Gross.

1 comment:

alison said...

eek! 10 year reunions. Sounds fun, kind of. I agree. You need pre reunion drinks to tolerate that sort of thing. I hope you have a good time!