Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gray pants, social networking, new websites, and stuff.

1. Apparently, I am addicted to purchasing gray slacks. I don't really know how the switch came out - I used to own a million pairs of black pants. Not so much anymore. Somehow, I have ended up with 3 pairs of gray slacks and one pair of navy slacks with grey stripes. Weird.

2. After FINALLY getting home last night around 7:45, I decided I needed some wine. After the first bottle Josh and I got to talking about his iPhone and the fact that there is a new application for facebook for it and he decided that even as hateful as he is about social networking sites, he might just give it a try to see what how the application works (there's a web developer for ya!). In exchange, he said I need to sign up for Twitter. So I did. I don't know how much you know about Twitter, but it's basically a way to let everyone know what you're doing throughout every second of the day. And it's kind of addicting. Josh has yet to sign up for facebook. I explained that it is very important because when he signs up I can change my status from simply "in a relationship" to "in a relationship with Josh McD." See? Important.

3. The marketing agency that Josh works for has a new site and it's cool! . They are even offering a pro-bono deal for should check it out.

4. I have a crap-load of work to do for work in the next few weeks. The good news is that I get to forget about all of that in about 24 hours. Yessssssssssssssssssss.


alison said...

I want josh to get a facebook so that i can friend him and subsuqently spy on him. i need to know more about this alleged boyfriend.

..hmmm.. to check out or to not check out twitter.. do i really need a new obsession?? lemme know what you think of it.

Miranda said...

Twitter is a great way to spy on people too :)