Monday, July 30, 2007

Loss of Self-Respect

I don't usually like to post embarrassing stories about myself on this thing, since I would rather appear "together" and "with it," but today, I have a treat for you.

With the temperature in Boise easily hitting 100 degrees F over the past month, my apartment has been hotter than hell. I have a little window air conditioner that is slowing seeping out cool air and a ceiling fan that squeaks and wobbles in my living room. During the day, I keep an extra round fan blowing between my living room and bedroom to keep air circulating into my bedroom. I've been keeping the windows closed because I don't want the 100 degree air blowing through the windows. At night, I open up my window and let the fan blow 80 degree heat into my room to attempt to cool things down. None of this has prevented me from roasting in my sleep and sleeping in less-than-appropriate attire.

Yesterday, when I was taking the fan out of my window, I discovered that I have a ceiling fan in my room. How I have managed to overlook this (rather large) piece of equipment is beyond me.

I am happy to report that my room is MUCH cooler today than it has been all summer long. I am a bit saddened at the fact that it took me 7 months to see the freaking ceiling fan in my bedroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's pretty sad. Even I knew you had a fan in your room, and I've only been there, what...twice?