Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha

In honor of not having class tonight and finally getting my renter's insurance coverage set up, I decided to sit down and have a look at the Boise Craigslist Rants and Raves section. I laughed out loud at this and thought you might enjoy it...


Rant: Who stole my " G "

Date: 2007-03-14, 1:24PM MDT

To the smart ass that stole the letter G off of our Marquis last night or early this morning; Not funny.

Do you think I like getting a call from the police at 3:00 AM telling me motorists are already complaining about our sign?

And to the people complaining; I have ran this drive-through for 10 years and donated plenty to your causes. What gives you the right to whine? Being a conservative, anal, LDS Republican does NOT give you the right to call my wife at 7:30 AM and complain. You people need to lighen the fuck up. Take up a hobby such as minding your own business.

For the record: We are selling Black "Angus" Burger for 99 cents

We are NOT selling Black Anus Burgers. There is no such thing as a black Anus Burger. Anyone with a room temperature IQ could see what happened.

Fucking morons.

Whoever stole our G, please return it ASAP.

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