Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

To make up for the crap wake-up call from this morning and to encourage myself just a bit more to work on course work that I SWORE I'd be getting done this week, I went to the grocery store to buy myself some fabulous food to cook for dinner. While waiting in line, what did I grab? Cosmo. Yeah, that's not going to distract me at allllll. I also picked up not just one, but TWO chick flicks to watch while Josh is out playing poker and I'm at home, enjoying my fabulous dinner...doesn't it make you want to come over? (I have quite a bit of booze, in case that helps.)


Coop said...

I was reading over your previous blogs re: graduate school, and noticed your lament over your methods paper and its completion (I'm assuming you were talking about the same paper; you may have been talking about your 501 paper, too). I noticed you did NOT write a follow-up entry detailing your grade in Andy's class...if I remember correctly, you got an A. For Andy, that's a HUGE accomplishment - your feelings of feeling goodness were more than merited. Muzel tov!

Miranda said...

Yes, you are correct--I got an A in Andy's class, after freaking out about my methods paper...maybe if I continue to freak out about everything else I have to do, I'll somehow end up with an A in his class again this semester...and in stats??? Now that's just wishful any rate, thanks for thinking that I'm smart :)