Sunday, November 23, 2008
Selling the Jeep!
Here are the specs:
97 Jeep Wrangler - $7600
--4" Body Lift
--33" Tires
--2.5L 4cyl.
--High flow Rechargeable intake
--Custom exhaust
--Low miles - 110,000?
--Chrome Nerf Bars
--Chrome bumpers, w/lights
--Chrome dress-up parts on: hood, mirrors, lights, grill
--Alpine CD player, w/ iPod/MP3 input
--Sound bar with 6.5" Orion components
--8" bazooka sub
--4x50 watt clarion amp (in locking trunk).
--Diamond plate body armor.
--Interior is in great shape
--Receiver Hitch for towing
--5-speed manual
--Custom rims
--New battery
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Dear Overly-Confident Hairdresser...
and then tell me that you don't want to cut it shorter because it will "bug the hell out of [me]." I'm pretty sure hair that covers my eyes will bug me more than hair that sits above my eyes. And what's with the uneven "bangs" bit? I don't understand. At least, for the time being, I can do something with it to hide the unevenness that you managed to create... but I think you owe me $14.00 plus whatever I end up paying to have it remedied at 4:00 pm today with a real hairdresser.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
a blog with words
That being said, the one awesome thing about October is that I was nominated by one of the Court clerks (I don't think I'm supposed to know it's her, but she told me) to be October's Employee of the Month. The funny thing about this is that there are many, many people who work for the Agency for years and years and never get nominated and selected, but this is my second time being selected in six months - April and October. There are some jealous and bitter folks around the Agency. Oh well. I am pretty much awesome, and I don't really care what they think. I will continue to be awesome at my job even if other people think they are more awesome than me. Even better is that the Employee of the Month gets to take 4 hours of flex time for the month. So tomorrow I am going with Josh's mom (in town from eastern Idaho) to Brooke's school to help decorate for "Wild West Night" and to go to the Halloween party and watch the parade. I'm taking the whole damned day off and I can't wait!
On a completely different note, Josh and I are going as Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth (the wife) for Halloween. I have the most spectacular costume EVER. I just finished "tailoring" Josh's jacket into a vest and convinced him he needed to buy some black pants and wear uncomfortable shoes for the occasion. I am hoping to win the iPod Touch at the party by having the best costumes. Photos to come, but probably without words. Sorry Alison!
I don't know what else to mention. Really, work has been so incredibly busy that my life has revolved around it and I can't seem to think about anything else. I am really, really, really hoping that my caseload doesn't shit on me over the next few weeks. Oh, and I am taking on a different type of caseload (well, 1/2 different caseload) soon and have to learn how to do work/supervise them all the while continuing to manage my current caseload.
How's that for an update?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
On a completely different note, I'm about 93% sure I'm going to run the 10k leg of a triathlon relay in San Francisco next September. This also means that I now have to juggle the following:
1) finding a gym that is cheap and will give me what I need (98% there)
2) time to sufficiently work out
3) time to work on my grad project (oops!)
4) time to be at home and relax (aka drink wine and be lazy).
I am unsure of the times that any of this will actually happen (sigh).
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
it rained...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
my 5K
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Oops, I got lost.
I mapped my route on google maps and figured out I went a minimum of 6 miles. Overall, I think I ran a total of 3 miles, then walked another 3 to eventually end up at home.
I will never, never enter a neighborhood of which I am unfamiliar without a map in hand ever least, not when I am expected to be somewhere shortly after my run.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Weekend Update
1) Josh and his dad wanted me to make bloody marys for everyone on Saturday (12:30-ish) before the BBQ. (FYI - I make the best bloody marys EVER...well, maybe not better than Zeitgeist in San Francisco, but close.) I'm pretty sure Josh's mom is never going to let it go that I got her drunk off ONE of them. Josh and his dad had 2 of them and promptly took 2.5 hour naps afterward.
2) Everyone at the BBQ was convinced that they were attending some sort of engagement party. I do not have a ring, we are not engaged, and I'm pretty sure that I we were, they would have found out long before some random BBQ on a Saturday afternoon. Blah.
3) On Sunday night Josh and I were walking out the door to go hang out with his buddies (and mine, I suppose) in Idaho Falls and I fell on the stairs in the garage. I'm not sure if it was my grogginess or the fact that it was dark in the garage and I really didn't see the steps, but I fell and completely twisted my ankle. It hurt like a bitch, and instead of going to IF to see Skinner and Michelle, I was laid up on the couch at Josh's parents house all night icing my foot and taking Aleve. Ugh. I'm so incredible upset about this because in 3 weeks I'm supposed to run my first 5K and now I'm scared to run, for fear that my foot (which feels ok right now) will flare up and I won't be able to do it. Stupid clumsiness.
On a completely different note, I FINALLY finished New Moon today on the drive back! Hooray!
Friday, August 22, 2008
I am not invited...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Oh well, we are taking Brooke to the Fair today. It's not my favorite place, but it will do. Plus, it's not like 100 degrees outside, which is nice. It's more like 82 and that is much more pleasurable that being a sticky, sweaty mess. I'm going to go get myself to looking cute and head out the door. Oh, and I'll probably have another beer, in hopes that it will calm my mouth a little bit.
FYI - it's Thursday and at 2pm I had already worked 40 hours. So I got the rest of the day off. I have to show up for Court tomorrow at 8:30 and then I get to leave to go rafting with teh fun folks from Josh's office. And we don't have to buy the beer! Yippee!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
ok, I'm a slacker...
--I am running a 5K on 9/20/08 with my neighbor, Lisa, and a bunch of co-workers/friends. I organized the group, so I figure it's enough to make ME not back out. Lisa and I started week 1 of 9 of the Couch-to-5K plan this week. Not too bad....yet! I'll try to fill you in next week. In the mean time, I started this blog for the participants. I like to think I am clever.
--I took a few weeks off from going to Weight Watchers meetings and felt like I gained a whole crap-load of weight. Really, I gained about 6 lbs. Not too bad, considering the amount of crap I ate. I guess 20-something days on the river actually DOES counter-balance SOME eating of the junk food. Anyway, I joined Weight Watchers online because it was too difficult to get to the meetings every week. I think I like the online stuff better - but really, truly believe that I'm at an advantage because I went to the meetings first. -3 lbs last week - go me!
--We are going to Josh's family's reunion tomorrow. I will attempt to report later.
--We got a new dishwasher. And table and chairs. And we picked out laminate flooring and carpet for the WHOLE house. And I am excited about ALL of it. It will be like we have a brand new house!
--We might need some muscles to help move our furniture into the garage for the new carpet. I will keep you posted if I need your help.
--Alison is moving back to Minnesota and I desperately want to go visit and go sing karaoke and attend BBQs. But we just bought all of that stuff and I have to finish my semester and I can't afford it. Sigh.
--Vegas in October!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
i used to be good
So....anyone want to watch it?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Also, I'm selling my car. One of you should buy it.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
old bfs
The other time was when I was at POST Academy in March and Justin contacted me to ask why he was "doomed to be single." I quickly reminded him that HE dumped ME. It was the epitome of "High Fidelity." And I liked it.
Honestly, I think the only reason I am writing this is because I drank a few beers and made pina coladas...and when the pina colada mix ran out, I made strawberry daquaris. Soooo...I am a little intoxicated. But it's still fun to think about how awesome I am :)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Another addiction
Sunday, July 06, 2008
I am jealous of Alison's tattoos...
Ideas, anyone??
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Miranda = Bad Ass Rafter (part 2)
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Miranda = Bad Ass Rafter (part 1)
Memorial Day weekend I went with Josh, another friend, and the friend's cousin (and douchebag) up to the Lochsa River in Northern Idaho. The boys all ran the Lochsa River at a crazy high water lever (~14,000 cfs) while I drove along the river and video taped their adventures. Jealous that I didn't get to ride along on that trip (we were all worried about the level), I explained that I wanted to ride on the back of the boat the next day. Josh said I could, and the next day was sooooooooooooo fun. The waves were HUGE and Lochsa Falls was even bigger. The ride on the Lochsa River on Sunday went something like this:
Josh rowed while I sat on the seat at the back of the boat. I was decked out in my new dry top, dry pants, and fancy helmet. Though the river is not generally the place where you try to look like a fashionista, I looked pretty cute. Really, that doesn't matter, but I thought you'd appreciate it. Josh and I were able to launch with 22 other Cataraft boaters, including guru, Ted Day. It was pretty cool to look up and down the river and see only Cats! We started coming up to Lochsa Falls (at that level, the water is HUUUUUUUUUGE....I cannot reiterate this enough) and Josh turned to me and the following conversation ensued:
Josh: "I think I want to run it." (Translation: "I want to hit the guts of that gigantic hole down there that is flipping 1/2 of the boats that go through it.")
Me: "Ok babe, just do it."
Josh: "If I do, we're probably going to flip."
Me: "Go ahead. No one is really ever ready to flip, but I'm ok with it."
Josh: "Don't make me regret my decision."
Me: "DO IT!"
So he did. But when we came up to the Falls and Josh realized we were a bit too close to the raft in front of us and couldn't push as much as he would have if there were no one in front of us. It felt like slow-motion as our two Cat tubes punched the hole and jerked us around on our seats. The, the boat started to turn 180 degrees. Josh was out of his seat and his legs dangled in the water below. The current was so strong that it sucked him right under the boat and he went swimming. He was gone and I knew I had to do something....but what??? I took a flying, Super Woman leap to the front bar of the boat, near the place Josh had just been sucked under the boat, and held on for dear life. The gigantic wave rocked the boat back and forth for what seemed like an eternity, until suddenly, the boat turned back around and, ever-so-gracefully, spit me out over the wave. The boat was upright. I was still on the boat. Josh was nowhere to be seen. (Turns out the camping douchbag was good for something - throwing the perfect rescue rope to my man.) I managed to get into Josh's seat while an observer held the boat on the shore. I returned the oars to their proper place, and after securing the spare oar to the side of the boat (it was hanging by one tether), I rowed through the next rapid and found Josh waiting in another boat for what he thought would be a flipped boat and a swimming girlfriend.
For some reason, I can't figure out how to embed the video within this follow this link and watch our adventure in the yellow Cataraft at 2:27 and in slow-motion at 7:02.
Parts 2 and 3 soon to come!
Monday, June 16, 2008
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm pretty much a badass
You may remember that at that end of last summer I rowed my first class III rapid and was very, very proud of myself. Two weeks ago, I ran the Main Payette (all but 2 rapids) with Josh in the boat with me. So when last week hit and Josh asked if I thought if I was ready to run my own boat down the Main, I was scared shitless. Thankfully, Josh had a lot more faith in me than I did of myself. I randomly told my co-worker, Vanessa, that we would be going that weekend and invited her along. At first, I thought she'd be running her own, new, inflatable kyack alongside us. However, her IK is with her dad elsewhere. For some strange reason, she decided she'd be OK riding in MY boat (with my new b-day oars, btw), even though I'd never run the entire Main by myself.
Enter: Party on Friday night. OMG, it was insane. The party was very impromptu, and we grilled hamburgers and had a helluva time with our neighbors. Multiple bottles of liquor and several cases of beer were consumed. When I woke up to Josh, sick beside me, in the morning, I was worried that we wouldn't actually go. He assured me that we would. Vanessa arrived, and a few coffees and sandwiches later, we hit the road. Josh and our buddy Jesse ran the South Fork (despite my extreme nervousness) and we met them at the put-in for the Main. I was SO nervous about the river, and even more so because it wouldn't just me me to get wet or dumped - Vanessa would have to survive through my lack of experience. I have since adopted Vanessa's motto: "If I weren't in it for the adventure, I wouldn't have come."
And that's what it was. Josh neglected to inform me of the size of the river we would encounter; it was FREAKING HUGE!!! BUT, I did it! I managed to run the entire river without dumping myself OR Vanessa, which made me so so so so so so so proud!!! And I still am. I even threatened to call Josh's dad (rather than my own parents) to tell him about my accomplishments. (I let Josh call first the next day.)
To say the least, this was pretty much one of my greatest accomplishments over the past few years, and it makes me very, very, very excited for the rest of rafting season! Plus, I just got some amazing new semi-dry gear for the season, and it is awesome.
(I must mention that I was in charge of getting the car to the take-out. 4/5 of the way there I realized that I forgot the keys at the put-in. I am a big dork. Thankfully, our buddy Travis took the initiative to hitch a ride to the put-in to get the keys and meet us at the take-out. Part of me likes to think that Travis just really wanted to stop rowing through the slow parts. Whatever. It gave Vanessa and I the chance to run one more rapid, and Vanessa rowed, magnificently, through it. Hooray!)
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Cutest thing ever
My friend Jamie sent this to me. Apparently, one of her kindergarten students has a crush on her (she's a Spanish teacher in Chicago) and wrote her this note.
Here's the translation:
"Miss Perry,
When Jamie asked him what language she should speak, he said "British."
Monday, April 28, 2008
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Sunday, April 27, 2008
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit
To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime® Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.
This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit
To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime� Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit
To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime� Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Another b-day dead and gone...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Anyway, I had a run-of-the-mill meeting today with our graduate coordinator about the things I need to do to get my graduate project underway. After a little discussion and me proving information about my topic and what I would like to look at for my project, I received the information I needed. Not only that, I walked away from the meeting with a committee chair set in place, names of two other people to contact to be on my committee, and an expected graduation date of December 2008. Holy crap! I expected it to take a lot longer than that, but my "chair" told me he firmly believes that I can complete everything by October, to defend my project in November, and graduate in December. Not only that, he told me he would love to see my project published and that he is confident that my project will get that far.
It's funny because I remember starting grad school in the fall of 2006 thinking this whole thing is a popularity contest and it would not be fun, in the slightest. But now that things are starting to come together and I'm starting to see the end, it's kind of fun to see that the graduate faculty are looking at my ideas and projects as something worthwhile, worth pursuing, and worthy of publishing....even without seeing any sort of outline for my topic. It's honestly nice to know that my "chair" is confident enough in me to tell me these things with minimal information.
That's all, really. I'm just really excited to have a start on things and to know that I am fully supported.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
M: "Man, I love it when Brooke rubs my back. It feels pretty awesome like that."
B: "Yeah, Miranda is the coolest."
M: "Brooke is a pretty cool kid"
B: "Miranda likes to sing."
M: "Brooke has some shoes that are a little bit too small."
B: "No they aren't."
M: "I think it's time for Brooke to go to bed!"
It was pretty much the funniest/cutest moment we've had in awhile. That and the time last week when we were eating dinner and she said, "Miranda, you know, over the past couple of days, you've been really acting like a mom." I kindly said, "Well, I'm not your real mom but I take care of you like a real mom should." She quietly responded with "ohh."
Anyway, our impromptu songwriting session was sooooo cute.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
I am paranoid...
Losing that "fat girl" mentality
With all that being said, I want desperately to post before and after pictures for you - maybe I'll edit this later and add pics for people who haven't seen me in awhile....
Spring 2003?
February 2008
Spring 2003?
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
it's been awhile...
I went to POST Academy for work and graduated last Friday, so that was nice. It suuuuuuuuucks to have to stay in dorms, with a roommate, without the ability to leave campus (except for the weekend) when you only live 15 minutes away. Oh well, like I said, it's over and I got an "awesome" sweat suit with my name on it for future use.
The semester is coming to a close, but is sooooooo busy, yet again. And this time, I really didn't procrastinate. I really just haven't had enough time to get everything done, especially since I had to be gone at POST for 2 weeks.
Josh is taking his first rafting trip this weekend and I'm jealous. I'm staying home with Brooke and will be going crazy reading research for my presentation on Tuesday.
Wow, this is such a boring post. I'm really, really sorry that I have nothing better to write about. Maybe something exciting will happen soon and I can tell you about it. For now, I'll just head back to watching Idol and studying for my test tomorrow.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
playing guitar...
On another note, I have to go to the POST Academy for Probation Officers starting tomorrow at 2pm. I'll spend two weeks away from home (except weekends) at the Academy learning how to do my job in a better fashion (at least, that's my hope), but am sad that I have to be away from my "family" for such a long time.
And lastly, and I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, I have perfected my bloody mary recipe. They are soooooo delicious! Man, thanks to Zeitgeist in San Francisco, I have learned that adding horseradish into my mixture has really improved the recipe. Yum!!!
Monday, March 03, 2008
a few things I am very excited about!
2. Saturday night I went to a concert at the Big Easy to see Joshua Radin and Ingrid Michaelson! They were incredible! I wasn't too familiar with their stuff before heading out (except for Ingrid's song, "The Way I Am" which is on an Old Navy commercial) but I am fully convinced that they are worth listening to over and over and over again in my office. Yay! On top of seeing the phenomenal concert, I ran into two of the guys who were in my youth group when I led the group at my church in college. They are old. That makes me feel old. BUT, it was super fun to see them and I think they even convinced me to pick up my guitar sometime soon.
3. I spent the majority of my time sleeping and laying on the couch this weekend and it felt awesome.
4. None of our immediate friends or family members drew a Middlefork of the Salmon rafting permit this summer, which made us pretty bummed out. Thankfully, a friend of a friend invited us on his trip! Hooray! I'm pretty sure I'll be dreaming of this for the next few months....
5. I think I have become addicted to Crystal Light Energy. And Spicy V8 (not just for my perfected bloody mary recipe - I like it plain, too). And Laughing Cow cheese with celery. And sushi. (I never thought I would say that). And steamed broccoli (WTF?).
6. I made my first official meatloaf last night and it was really effing good. Oh my god, when did I turn into a housewife?
7. San Francisco was fan-freaking-tastic. Next trip: Vegas on April 26!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Overheard by one of the Marshalls this AM:
Mom: "Yeah, just be glad she's not your PO!"
(Man, I love being a hard ass sometimes.)