Saturday, December 30, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Whiskey Packing
So what have I learned from this experience? Whiskey may rid a girl of the sniffles for a night, but will not cure the common cold; loading The Postal Service and Dixie Chicks onto your nano really is more important than making sure you have enough socks for a 5 day vacation; and getting up at 5 am after drinking whiskey all night long makes for very long flights and the most peaceful naps you can ever imagine.
(As a side note, perhaps this will lead to a new song--maybe even a bit more upbeat than songs of the past--something about whiskey packing....feel free to comment with your suggestions about lyrics.)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
do you hear that?
I'm done folks, and it feels really, really good.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
It's 2 am. My research paper about juvenile diversion is 88% finished and due a 5:30 pm. I still have to go to work tomorrow and I still have to pretend that I'm not dead. Yet, I'm sitting here writing this stupid, stupid blog. Someone, anyone, shoot some sense into me...
(Who wants to go out boozing after the weekend is over? I'm going to need it)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I really don't have a lot of room to complain. Afterall, I didn't vote last Tuesday. I like to think that because I am still toting around my California Driver's License and have yet to switch my residency to Idaho (I'm in denial), I have great reason for not participating in the elections.
That being said, the people of this great state of Idaho managed to do a few things that really, really pissed me off this year in the election:
1) They voted "NO" on Proposition 1, which would have given schools more money, which would have been used to fix the poor conditions that several schools are in right now, helped to pay teachers a living wage, and provide students with proper, up to date materials.
2) They elected Tom Luna as Superintendent of Schools over Jana Jones. It's not to say that his online bachelor’s degree in weights and measures (which he received just in time to run for state superintendent in 2002) isn't vaid, but when running against a woman who has a DOCTORATE in Education, the outcome should have been a no-brainer.
3) Bill Sali. Seriously?! This jackass, who opening tells people that abortions cause breast cancer, was elected to represent Idaho's First Congressional District in the US House of Representatives. Even the REPUBLICAN SPEAKER OF THE IDAHO HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Bruce Newcomb, said, "That idiot is just an absolute idiot. He doesn't have one ounce of empathy in his whole fricking body. And you can put that in the paper."
Upon hearing about all of the above junk, I was about to cry. Then, I realized that the rest of the country WOKE UP!!! Yeah! With democrats having the majority of seats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, I think there might be hope for our country after all. Just think, if Bush and Cheney were both booted from office, our new president would be Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from San Francisco!
And now, words from Ani Difranco--the same words that made me tear up when I saw her in concert in Chicago a few years ago...
"i love my country
by which i mean
i am indebted joyfully
to all the people throughout its history
who have fought the government to make right
where so many cunning sons and daughters
our foremothers and forefathers
came singing through slaughter
came through hell and high water
so that we could stand here
and behold breathlessly the sight
how a raging river of tears
cut a grand canyon of light..."
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Although I tend to wait until the day before a project is due to complete it, I've come to realize that signing up for things early in the semester is worth it. Getting the article critiques, class discussions about research methods, and presentation about Juvenile Diversion (teen/peer courts, restitution, mediation, etc) all out of the way in the first half of the semester definately made me a raging bitch, but I am happy to report that while I stressed about all that crap earlier, everyone else was foot loose and fancy free.....and now THEY are the ones freaking out.
Ahhhhhhhhhh (that's a sigh of relief), now all I have to do is kick back with a glass of wine and throw my research into 2 papers...
point: Hansen.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
It's not that I don't care. It's not that I'm not ignorant or stupid. It's the fact that you pushed my buttons one too many times today. It's the fact that I don't have the time and effort--after working all day with children that are just like you, attending classes all night, and writing papers all weekend--to deal with folks like you.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I'm sitting at a Moxie Java in Boise. A woman walked in with her husband and son, walked up to the counter and ordered a very complex drink....something along the lines of "Large caramel latte, whole milk, extra hot, extra shot, and could you put the normal amount of caramel along with a little bit of chocolate?" Her husband and son ordered hot chocolate.
They sat down and the woman continued to nag at her family....and FYI, her son was a college age young man, not a small child. "Drink that faster, I can't just sit here all day," "Stop playing with your cup, it's going to spill," alongside complaints about work, weather, and whatever else she felt like nagging for atleast 40 minutes. Then, just before they got up to leave, she said, "It's teh end of the day, I can't be held responsible for making decisions. I don't make any decisions at the end of the day. I'm not going to be responsible for any decisions when it's the end of the day."
Seriously? I'm pretty sure she just made a million decisions for her family while she sat here picking out every fault that they have and deciding which of those faults they need to change.
I'm done. More researching...let me know if you have any thoughts about Juvenile Diversion...
Friday, October 20, 2006
"Defend America: Fire the Republicans"
I am officially happy.
psst....I can't figure out how to create a mirror image of my fabulous shirt, so you'll have to decode the message...
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
4:30 hit and I packed up my stuff and headed next door. I thought I had it made--until the previews started, I was the only one in the theater. Another couple strolled into the theater and sat atleast 10 rows in front of me. I'm really not sure if they knew I was in there until I saw one of them turn around when I started to laugh quite loudly. But you know what? It doesn't matter if I laughed loudly or not--I was alone. There was no one to embarrass but myself. I could hem and haw all I wanted to. And I could even send absurd text messages throughout the film without being a complete ass. And I did. And it was wonderful.
I give "Little Miss Sunshine" 2 thumbs up for awkwardness and entertainment value. For those who haven't seen it (or hell, even if you have)....Ready, Set, GO see it. Now.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Also highly recommended this week: 1/2 to St. Patty's Day party at Ha'Penny (lots of dancing fools), watching several episodes of Grey's Anatomy instead of studying, falling asleep on your couch while watching Garden State, taking self-portaits on your MacBook, house sitting for 2 weeks, and making friends with co-workers, and wearing lipstick darker than you normally would, just to see what it's like.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Toby Lightman was quite incredible. Kind of a mix between KT Tunstall and Norah Jones. I might as well add that this woman is a phenomenal guitar player....and she plays a Taylor. 'Nuff said.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
P.S. Anyone want to go see "An Inconvenient Truth" with me tonight? Oh wait, I don't know anyone in Boise who reads this...
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
"Hmm, that smells nice," I said.
"You want some?!" he replied.
"Nah, that's ok. Thanks anyway."
"Are you sure?!"
"I'm pretty sure. Thanks though."
"Oh fuck man, you're not going to go tell on me, are you???"
I laughed and assured him that I wasn't going to rat him out for smoking pot on the sidewalk in Midtown.
The question is, does this mean that I am "approachable" (as they all say I am) or does it mean that I just have a tendency to draw the attention creepy-pot-smoker-types???
Monday, August 07, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
1. Today was my last day of work in California...atleast, for awhile. The funny thing is, I'm actually kind of sad to be leaving both of my jobs. I love my coworkers, clients, and customers. I loved my job. Weird.
2. Alo is throwing me an impromptu party tonight! Woot! All Bay Area locals are invited.
3. My next adventure begins TOMORROW!!! My solo road trip looks like this:
* Saturday, August 5 -- Mt. Cross Camp, Santa Cruz to see Ms. Sarah Johnson
*Sunday, August 6 -- Sunnyvale to see Jamie and Samir
*Monday and Tuesday, August 7 & 8 -- Merced to see my bro.
*Wednesday and Thursday, August 9 & 10 -- Sactowwwwwwwwwwn to see DZ!
* Friday, August 11 -- Arden Fair Mac Store to buy my computer, then off to Portland, Oregon for the night.
*Saturday, August 12 -- Spokane, Washington to see Ms. Theresa Johnson
*Sunday, August 13 -- Clint Kunze's Wedding
*Monday, August 14 -- Drive to Boise to live with my parents for the first time in 10 years.
4. I start grad school on August 21. Word.
5. I have 2 Criminal Justice books to finish before August 21 st...but I'm almost done with one, fools.
6. I've become addicted to MTV. In particular, "Why can't I be you?" "Made" and "Fresh Meat." This is the reason I haven't had cable for 2 years.
7. I'm going to have to post a completely new blog about my summer living with Dirty McFlirty. It was out of control, but not in that creepy sort of "he wants to get it on with me" type of out of control. Thank you, Jesus.
8. I met a professional Celebrity Blogger last night at Trivia night. I'm really not joking.
Monday, July 31, 2006
FW: DZ pole dancing at walmart after drakes,
DZ pole dancing at walmart after drakes, waiting for the effing cabbie (whose name doesn't matter)
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Multimedia message
If there's road construction in the middle of south dakota, but no one to drive on the road, do you have to stop?
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Alana had been hanging out with this guy named Tyler, who seemed to be pretty cool. Then, Tyler went on vacation and this conversation ensued after his return...
Tyler: I'm not sure this is going to work.
Alana: Oh. Well, whatever. I thought it was cool that we were hanging out.
Tyler: Yeah, well it's obvious that I'm attracted to you, but I'm just not sure that I see anything for the future between us.
Alana: It's probably better this way.
Tyler: What do you mean?
Alana: Well, I would have broken your heart anyway.
(insert Tyler hemming and hawing, with uncomfortable laughter)
Alana: No really, I really would have broken your heart.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
1. Fenton's Mint Cookies and Cream ice cream with hot fudge is enough to make up for missing Edie Carey at The Epic Arts Center on a Friday night.
2. It can take a person over 2 hours to drive to Sacramento and less then one hour to return and it's all worth it when you go to see Nacho Libre with boys who nearly pee their pants laughing at Jack Black!
3. Stern Grove Festival in San Francisco is fabulous. It's even better when random guys named Nico give you wine, bread and cheese, chips, chocolate, and vegan maple cookies, then ask for you phone number.
4. When a waitress at FLY in San Francisco says, "For $10 you can drink all you want out of that Full Sail keg," you don't just say "yes," you say, "bring it on!!!" and then you drink a lot on a Sunday afternoon. You also tend to send really long text messages to people you know and call random friends in town from Indiana to come hang out. Then, your random friend from Indiana pretends to be your parole officer while calling guys you don't want your friends to date. Upon leaving FLY, the waitress gives you props for lasting so long in the bar and brings you water. It's amazing.
5. Getting up at 5 am to go serve coffee to rich people isn't very fun when you've had a night of "all you can drink for $10 out of that Full Sail keg" at FLY.
6. Sometimes, I get a bit sad about leaving the Bay Area....especially after weekends like this. Please, please, please let me find fun friends like this in Idaho.

1 can of Scrubbing Bubbles: $3.50
1 bottle of Pine Sol: $1.30
2 pairs of Rubber gloves: $1.10
Toilet cleaner: $3.25
Steel wool and scrub brushes: $4.00
Taking 3 hours to semi-clean someone else's bathroom on your day off in order to have a FREE place to stay for the summer: Priceless. (And by "Priceless," I mean Disgusting.)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
....and this is what I experienced.
Student F walked up to a female Student E and touched her on the ass.
The following conversation ensued:
"Excuse me, did you just touch her?"
"Please don't touch other students. Ever. Don't ever touch any student, especially female students. Ever, ever, ever."
(as student F walks away) "I bet you're just jealous cuz no one's touchin' on you."
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Huh? Did he just say that?
"Really, you do. You look beautiful. I was just wondering....if I gave you my number, would you call me? I'm really a nice guy. I am."
"Wow, thank you so much," I said,"But...I don't think so. I'm sorry."
"Would you be so kind as to give me your number?"
"Umm, no I don't think so. Again, thanks, but no."
I turned away and got into my car. Only problem? Carrie hadn't come back from getting her belongings from her office. I sat alone in my car. It was hot. My car was off. My window, rolled down. (yeah, really smart on my part.)
The doofus, whom I thought had driven away, shouted from his car window, "Are you sure if I gave you my number...well, would you atleast think about calling me?"
"Umm...well....I'll think about it."
I took the number.
It turns out, I've already dated a "Mike" and he was pretty damn weird. I don't need another one, no matter how beautiful he thinks I am.
Sure doesn't hurt a girl's ego though...
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Monday, May 22, 2006

Reason for celebration #2? Craig's out of the ARMY.
Yes, I'd love a glass of wine. And by one glass, I mean three.
Mmm....Spanish wine!
And another.
Finally! God, I've missed her!
And this is why...
Watch out....You're next!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I was tired. I had been reading, had a glass of wine, and did some Sudoku on the plane,then started to fall asleep. I awoke to the guy across the aisle being given a stern talking to by one of the flight attendants. It went something like this, "You asked us if you could smoke and we told you no. Why did you need to spray all of that cologne back there? If you weren't smoking, why does it smells like smoke???" The flight attendant walked away without saying anything more--rightfully frustrated.
I fell asleep again and this time, awoke to the strange, smoking dude across the aisle whistling. Not only was he whistling, he was whistling to get my attention. I opened my eyes to find this guy sprawled across the aisle with a snack in his hand, waving it at me, telling me to take it. I shook my head and said, "Uhh, no thanks. No, really. NO!" and I turned my head to fall asleep again.
Not even 10 minutes later, I was pelted on the shoulder with a rather large bag of airline peanuts that the guy decided to stockpile on his way back from the bathroom.
I gave him the evil eye and once again, turned my head to fall back asleep. The plane made its descent into Chicago about 30 minutes later. There were no further complications.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Do you know my name?Qualifiers: My new habit. I am having difficulty deciding if they are acceptable or not. They show up, most of the time, to make stories more interesting, particularly when it comes those I've dated.
...Liar Dave, Nice Jack, Divorced Rob, Buddhist Pat, Josiah with the nice name and the bad temper, Crown Royal Justin, Polystyrene midget Matt...
I'm not sure they know of the qualifiers I use when describing them. In fact, I'm quite sure they don't. I can't help but wonder, if and when (mostly "IF") they talk about me, do they use qualifiers to describe my personality? And if they do, what do they use?
Musical Miranda is too cliche. Mediocre Miranda is fitting, but is that a word that shows up in everyday conversation?
Hmmm...what's my name?
(and hey, if I dated you, don't take offense to it. It's not like I'm telling people your downfalls....well, unless you are Liar Dave....and in that case, I usually am.)
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
The day's events started by traveling out to St. Quentin and attempting to find the beach that Lamotte writes about. After being 25% successful, we drove out to Sam's Cafe in Tiburon. Although we managed to spend more cash on afternoon bloody marys than lunch itself, we also managed to poke fun at every yuppie-sail-boater drinking the same $7.50 bloody mary as the rest of us.

After a bit of resting (and salt-water-taffy-eating), we finished up the day at one of the best shows I've seen in a very, very long time. I've never laughed so hard at someone else's misery...everyone, Get Mortified....especially at The Make-Out Room. Although they do have the worst decor I've seen, it's still pretty effing cool.
See what cool things happen when you turn 27?!
Monday, April 24, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
This whole idea stems from the car ride from my apartment to All Soul's today. Nat, the leader of the infamous "Angel Band," picked me up to go the Good Friday service. On the way there, he explained that his daughters, ages 5-ish and 9-ish and also in the car with us, attend Ecole Bilingue. Shortly thereafter, the girls started singing kid songs in French. It was damn near the cutest thing I've ever heard, and you can quote me on that.
(And now's the time you make fun of me for being in "Angel Band." It's ok, I give you permission.)
Thursday, April 13, 2006
On a different note, I purchased a ticket to go to the Vale of Paradise for a wedding in May. So, if you live in Chicagoland/Northwest Indiana, be prepared for me to ask to crash on your couch May 11-15. Jamie and I already have plans to wreak havoc on Valparaiso, even some of the other boozers won't be around.
Oh happy day.
It's not that I just want coffee, it's that I want coffee without having to make my way downstairs. I'm not lazy...I'm just....lazy? Hmm. Going down the stairs is a lot easier than coming up the stairs, but once down, the only way to use the bathroom is to go back up the stairs eventually. And let's face it, after drinking coffee, going back upstairs is inevitable.
Any suggestions?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Yesterday at 6 am, I took my final "normal" steps on my right foot for about 3-4 weeks while walking to the surgical services desk at Alta Bates Hospital here in Berkeley. Talk about "walking to your own death..." No longer is my foot burdened with the aches and pains of having a bunion (thanks Dad, I owe it all to you) ... now it's just full of the aches and pains of having had a "Right Foot Bunionectomy and First Metatarsal Osteotomy," the use of crutches, and having to lay in bed/on my couch for atleast a week, maybe more. Thankfully, my roomate is awesome (I may have mentioned this before?!) and has done everything possible to make sure that I am completely set up and comfortable in my room--we're talking bringing up a cooler of ice so I can continue to ice the wounds while she's at work, programming the coffee maker so all I have to do is push the button and it's made, bringing my CD player as closet to my bed as possible, and buying loads of fruits and veggies in order to reduce the negative effects of the Vicodin I'm taking. She bought me flowers and everything.
Not to mention, helping with the daily crossword puzzle and sympathizing with me when I told her about the nurse who thought she'd try to get the IV into my arm, even if she didn't think it would go through. Whatever.
The point is, I'm laid up and you can expect lots of blogs (I think), instant messages and text messages asking about crossword puzzle clues, random facts about Mormons (I bought a new book!) and instant replies to e-mails...